Dealing with Polarities and Passions

March 2019     Videos     Dr. Bowen Talking to the Special Postgraduate Program     Tape VB0454, Part One

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Dr. Bowen Talking to the Special Postgraduate Program, Tape VB0454, Part One from TMBAP on Vimeo.

In this video clip entitled “Dealing with Polarities and Passions,” Dr. Bowen addresses the importance of staying in the middle and seeing both sides. From March 12, 1986.

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– [Murray Bowen] And when you get into a mind play of the polarities that means that you do not understand systems ideas. Anytime you get out there, as long as you can stay in the midline, you can honor both sides. You don’t have to go one way. Let me back up one, I’m goin’ shut up this stuff. You know all this junk. You know you can get fat today and lean as hell tomorrow. You know you can get fat today and starve to death tomorrow. Anyway, the amazing difference between, that I’ve been trying to say, you know I find one of the best examples would be, just trust me, I had something you wouldn’t believe. It’s a young woman who’s come to town and she’s an ardent abortionist. That thing is polarized in so damn many ways, you ain’t never seen nothing as polarized. They had a march down in Washington, you know all about, Sunday You know, the abortion group, the anti-abortion group Lot of feeling, I don’t know why so much feeling gets into this. You know why people get so wrapped up in this why they get so passionate about it? All kinds of passion gets into this Well, that young woman is about to quit her job And she’s put together a whole group of abortion organizations, and she’s trying to tell me, she was telling me she’s got twenty abortions scheduled for this week They got people prepared to do them And now the anti-abortionist have put the lid on all twenty! And she’s already made a commitment to twenty women that they’re gonna get abortions this week Now the anti-abortionists have put a lid on it And I think it’s absolutely, I ain’t got any advice for that young woman I told her well, you might, might go psychotic That will let you out. You got all these women and all these people calling her up beating on her She doesn’t know what to do, she said she’s having to deal with her own board, It’s a mess. But anyway that’s to do with the whole societal issue, and I don’t think she’s gonna find any peace as long as she takes an issue that big and that broad with as many people fighting it as they are I don’t know where it’s got, been around the nation but there’s been the last, couple, three years But I would say there’s been at least ten or twelve abortion clinics in Washington that have been bombed in the past year. And she’s wondering how they keep their office from being bombed And she’s serious about all this stuff But I didn’t get her in to this out there I wouldn’t have that job I’d wear a bulletproof vest if I got into that or something or something But hell, they’ll never do it It has to do with human passions What do you do about human passions? Incidentally I don’t think, I don’t think there is a war that’s gonna be solved By saying that it’s a man’s proposition or a woman’s proposition. Anytime it gets polarized Because men are as important as women are both of them are important When you try to say “we are more important than you” Polarizing But you could say it’s a human problem And when it’s human, then the human being has a chance to solve it. But when you say it’s a problem of women or a problem of man, I don’t think there’s a way to solve it.