An Endpoint to Democracy

June 2019     Videos     Dr. Bowen Talking to the Special Postgraduate Program     Tape VB0454, Part Three

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Dr. Bowen Talking to the Special Postgraduate Program, Tape VB0454, Part Three from TMBAP on Vimeo.

A question from the audience spurred Dr. Bowen to discuss global issues including democracy suggesting there is an endpoint to democracy and the U.S. is pushing toward that end point. From March 12, 1986.

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– [Student] I’ve always wanted to hear you talk about what thoughts you may have had on the relationships between nations.

– There is one way to solve all of this. This can be solved when the wealth of the United States is distributed equally among all the people alive in the world today. A standard criteria of the togetherness forces is one person, one vote, isn’t it? One person, one vote. That’s one I used 10 years ago when I said of the United States. That ain’t democracy in the United States and a young nation. Is a healthy one, with character in extreme it becomes a pathology. When the number of children outweigh the number of adults it has become a pathology. Statesmen have disappeared from Capital Hill. And I would say there is an end point to a democracy. And the United States is pushing on that end point. There’s no other nation in the world that commits the number of demonstrations that are in the United states. Every administration does this differently. Jimmy Carter moved much more toward togetherness. I said, back before Jimmy Carter was elected, that it would not be possible for one party to hold a national scene for more than one election. And I was fooled with this one, but Reagan, he kept it too. But the United States is moving more and more toward the principle of more and more people killing the president. I think that’s one of the beautiful things about international You see more socialism and more togetherness. United States started off on individualism, the place was built on it. If it could stay on it, but it can’t. So we get an increasing number of third world people, of children, the union thing is part of that. That would be one person, one vote. Which is okay as long as you got a young nation. But then if it goes beyond the point of no return you gotta make some adjustments on it. And I don’t know what the answer to them things gonna do. I would know, I mean you could say the Russians are bad people, and the Eurasions got the same dam idea as capitalism. How you gonna resolve that one? That’s a big one in the world, Then you’d have to address the third world. and the third world is a bunch of children nations. They don’t take responsibility for anything. They want their wants fulfilled, they don’t take responsibility for it. United States doesn’t want the responsibility for it. Never has.