A Psychological Formulation of Schizophrenia

Published: 1995     Published Papers    

Bowen, Murray M.D.(1995). A Psychological Formulation of Schizophrenia. Family Systems Journal 2(1): 17-47.

This unpublished paper was among papers from Dr. Bowen’s research project at NIMH that were donated by the Bowen Family to the Georgetown Family Center Library in November 1993.

Schizophrenia is a phenomenon that involves every area of human experience from strict physical functioning through areas of social, ethical, moral, and intellectual functioning. It is broader in scope than the conceptual capacity of any one of the numerous interested professional disciplines. The goal of the family study project would be to focus on that part of man which is consistent with man as a biological organism and to differentiate this from culturally determined values. A major effort is to keep the psychological conceptualization adaptive to biological events. The clinical experience also led to a specific formulation about the symbiotic attachment between mother and child as important in the origin of schizophrenia.

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