A Letter from Murray Bowen to Dr. Alexander Gralnick

Published: 2015     Published Papers    

Bowen, Murray M.D.(2015). A Letter from Murray Bowen to Dr. Alexander Gralnick. Family Systems Journal 11(1): 49-60.

Following a professional visit to High Point Hospital in Port Chester, New York, Dr. Murray Bowen received a letter from Dr. Alexander Gralnick who requested that Dr. Bowen comment on his work. Dr. Gralnick was the founder and chief psychiatrist of High Point Hospital. Dr. Bowen wrote a lengthy response about the family field and about the development of his clinical practice after he left the NIMH in 1959. He observed that families that were often identified as schizophrenic could change when the family was seen and treated as an emotional unit in psychotherapy. He provides a detailed case example of an eighteen-year-old daughter who was homicidal and had been in and out of institutions for six years.

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