Left to right: Ed Luff (Dr. Bowen’s uncle), Frankie (cousin Frances) and Buh (Dr. Bowen’s mother) holding 5-month-old Murray on a calf, 1913. Buh is the nickname for Dr. Bowen’s mother, Maggie May Luff Bowen.
Buh watching son Murray (aged 18-24 months) throw stones, ca. 1914.
Left to right: Murray (about 6 years old) with brothers June and Roy, ca. 1919.
Murray, brother Roy, grandmother Bah and brother June at Dr. Bowen’s grandfather’s home, Waverly, TN, n.d. Bah is the nickname for Dr. Bowen’s maternal step-grandmother, Emma Pullen Luff.
Left to right: Murray, brother Roy, Papa Jess (Dr. Bowen’s father) holding sister Frances, Buh (Dr. Bowen’s mother, Maggie May Luff Bowen), brother Jess, Jr. with sister Margaret in front, n.d.