Photo Gallery: Georgetown University, Washington, DC
Dr. Bowen drawing a diagram in his home office, Chevy Chase, MD, 1970s? Photo by family member (probably Charles Bowen).
60th Wedding anniversary celebration of Dr. Bowen’s parents, Buh and Papa Jess (seated in center), Waverly, TN, n.d.
Vice President Gerald Ford, left, shakes hands with Dr. Bowen, right, as Dr. Glen Seaborg, Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, center, looks on. Photographer unknown.
Dr. and Mrs. Bowen at Medical College of VA, where Bowen received an award for being the first to videotape clinical sessions, 1978. Photo by Andrea Schara
Dr. Bowen (right) with brothers June (left) and Roy (center), Human Family Symposium, 1978. Photo by Andrea Scha
Dr. Bowen and LeRoy with their children at the Human Family Symposium, 1978. Photographer unknown.
Dr. Bowen, second from left, and Carolyn Attneave, third from left, participating in a native ceremony honoring Dr. Bowen, AFTA meeting, Alaska, 1981.
Dr. Bowen with grandson Andrew, at Kathleen’s wedding, 1982. Photo by family member Ron Manne.
Left to right: Dr. Bowen, Pat Meyer, Rabbi Ed Friedman, (unidentified), Human Family Symposium, 1987. Photo by Andrea Schara.