How Do You Think vs. What Do You Think?

October 2023     Videos     Dr. Bowen Talking to the Special Postgraduate Program     Tape VB0472, Part One

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Dr. Bowen Talking to the Special Postgraduate Program, Tape VB0472, Part One from TMBAP on Vimeo.

In Part 1 of this talk to the Special Postgraduate Program, Dr. Bowen challenges the viewer with the question, “Are you interested in knowing what you are?” He explores “what it takes” to understand oneself. “How do you do it?” He directs one to examine how they are thinking, rather than what they think, if they wish to get closer to understanding themselves. When things don’t work out for you the way the theory would predict, is that a problem with the system or with what you did? From June 7-8, 1988.