A Letter from Murray Bowen About Lewis Hill

Published: 2017     Published Papers    

Bowen, Murray M.D.(2017). A Letter from Murray Bowen About Lewis Hill. Family Systems Journal 2(1): 147-156.

Introduction by: Ruth Riley Sagar, MA

This 1972 letter from Dr. Bowen to a person he was supervising sheds light on the importance of funerals in the life of a family. In this letter he talks about Dr. Lewis Hill, the last of three “father figures” who had a profound influence on his professional development after they both arrived at the National Institute of Mental Health in 1954. With the letter, Dr. Bowen also enclosed the funeral address by Dr. Sarah Tower, a moving tribute to Lewis Hill as a person, as a teacher, and as a pioneer in building psychoanalysis in the Baltimore-Washington area.

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